Behavioristic learning theory is a theory that was coined by Gage and Berliner about changes in behavior as a result of experience.
Then, This theory developed into the flow of learning psychology that affect to the direction of development theory and education and learning practice, known as flow Behavioristic. This flow is emphasis on the formation of behavior that appears as a result of learning.
Learning is the result of the interaction between stimulus and response (Slavin, 2000:143). A person is considered to have learned something if he can show changes in behavior. According to this theory in learning what is important is that the form of input stimulus and output in the form of response. Stimulus is everything that the teacher to learners, while reaction or response in the form of learner responses to the stimulus provided by the teacher. What was given by the teacher (stimulus) and what is received by the learners (response) should be observed and measured. This theory prioritizes measurement, because the measurement is an important thing to look at whether or not these changes in behavior.
Another factors that considered important by the flow is a factor Behavioristic reinforcement (reinforcement). When reinforcement was added (positive reinforcement) then the response will be stronger. Similarly, if the response is reduced / eliminated (negative reinforcement), the response is also getting stronger. For example when learners are given tasks by the teacher when the task is added then it will be more active learning.
Some of the principles of learning theory Behavioristic, include: (1) Reinforcement and Punishment, (2) Primary and Secondary Reinforcement, (3) Schedules of Reinforcement, (4) Contingency Management, (5) Stimulus Control in Operant Learning, (6) The Elimination of Responses (Gage, Berliner, 1984).
According to Thorndike, learning is a process of interaction between stimulus and response. Stimulus is what stimulates the learning activities such as thoughts, feelings, or anything else that can be captured through sensory organs. While the response is a reaction that is raised when learners learn, which can also be the thoughts, feelings, or movement / action. So changes in behavior due to learning activities can be either concrete, which is observable, or not that is concrete that can not be observed. Although behaviorism is prioritizing the flow measurements, but can not explain how to measure behavior that can not be observed. Thorndike theory is also called the theory of connectionism (Slavin, 2000).
According to Clark Hull Learning Theory
Clark Hull also uses a variable relationship between stimulus and response to explain the sense of learning. But he was deeply influenced by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. For Hull, as well as the theory of evolution, all the functions of behavior is useful mainly to keep the organism survive. Therefore, Hull said biological needs (drive) and the satisfaction of biological needs (drive reduction) is important and occupies a central position in all human activities, so the stimulus (stimulus impulse) in studying proccess also almost always associated with biological needs.
Learning Theory According to Watson
Watson defines learning as a process of interaction between stimulus and response, but the stimulus and response within the meaning must be observed (observable) and can be measured. So even though he acknowledges the existence of mental changes in a person during the learning process, but he considers the factors as things that do not need to be accounted because can not be observed. Watson is a purely behaviorister, because the study of learning aligned with the other sciences are like physics or biology is very much oriented on purely empirical experience, namely the extent to which it can be observed and measured.
According to Edwin Guthrie Learning Theory
Guthrie learned that the main principle is the law contiguity. Namely the combined of stimuli that accompanied a movement, at times arise again tend to be followed by the same movement (Bell, Gredler, 1991). Guthrie also uses the variable stimulus and response relationship to explain the process of learning. Learning occurs because the last movement is done to change the stimulus situation whereas no other response that may occur.
According to Skinner's learning theory
The concepts that reported by Skinner about learning more concepts surpass the previous figures. He was able to explain the concept of learning in a simple, yet more comprehensive. According to Skinner the relationship between stimulus and response that occurs through interaction with its environment, which then cause changes in behavior, it is not as simple as that put forward by prominent figures before. According to responses received by someone not that simple, because the stimuli provided will interact and the interaction between the stimulus will affect the resulting response.
Applications in Learning Theory Behavioristic
flow of psychology studying that very large influence on the direction of development theory and practice of education and learning up now is the flow Behavioristic. This flow is emphasis on the formation of behavior that appears as a result of learning. Behavioristic theory model with the stimulus response relationship, seated people who learn as a passive individual. Response or a particular behavior using drill method or just only habituation. The emergence of behavior will be stronger when given reinforcement and will disappear when subjected to got punishment.
Application of the theory Behavioristic in learning activities depends on several things such as: learning objectives, the nature of the subject matter, characteristics of learners, media and learning facilities available. Learning that is designed and based on the theory Behavioristic view that knowledge is objective, definite, fixed, unchanging. Knowledge has been structured with a neat, so learning is the acquisition of knowledge, while teaching is the knowledge transfer (transfer of knowledge) to a person who learns or learners. The function of mind is to trace the structure of existing knowledge that through the thought process that can be analyzed and sorted, so the meaning resulting from this thought process as determined by the characteristics of the structure of knowledge. Learners are expected to have the same understanding of the knowledge being taught. That is, what is understood by the teacher or teachers that must be understood by students.
The implications of the theory in the learning process Behavioristic felt less give a free space for learners to be creative, experimenting and developing their own abilities because these learning systems are automatic-mechanical in linking stimulus and response so that seemed like a performance machine or robot. As a result, learners are less able to develop in accordance with the potential that exists in them.
The purpose of learning according to theory Behavioristic emphasis on the addition of knowledge, whereas learning activity as a "mimetic", which requires learners to express the knowledge that they have learned back in the form of reports, quizzes, or tests. The presentation of the contents or subject matter emphasis to skill that isolated or accumulation of facts to follow the sequence of parts to whole. Learning follow a strict curriculum sequence, so that more learning activities based on text books or books with an emphasis on the skills required to disclose the contents of textbooks back or book is mandatory. Emphasis on learning and evaluation of learning outcomes.
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